What is the Physical Education Curriculum?
We follow the National Curriculum of England to teach Physical Education (PE). Each class has two 45 minute lessons per week with a specialist P.E teacher. Our PE curriculum supports the development of;
- Fundamental movement skills
- Individual fitness, flexibility and strength building
- Team games and activities
- Knowledge and understanding of a range of competitive and non competitive sports
- Dance and gymnastics skills
- Swimming lessons (6 per year) and water safety knowledge
Our Physical Education lessons are enjoyable and challenging for all students, and the skills taught are differentiated to support students at their individual level.
Every term, learners aree provided with opportunities to apply their sports skills in a larger setting such as hiking in the mountains, participating in athletics at a local stadium as well as playing soccer, tag rugby and baseball in local sports fields. Opportunities to compete in games and sports with other international school often occur during the year.
Embedded throughout all Physical Education lessons are opportunities for students to develop the school values of responsibility, endeavour, honesty, integrity, compassion, respect and tolerance.