
At our international school, we value and appreciate the role of parents in enriching the experiences of our learners. The partnership between parents and our school is fundamental in creating a nurturing and dynamic learning environment. Parent engagement not only supports academic achievement but also fosters a strong sense of community and belonging among our learners.

Our parents bring a wealth of talents and skills that significantly enhance the variety of activities and programs we offer. Whether it’s supporting our annual Bazaar, volunteering for field trips, baking goodies for Tasty Tuesdays or running Movie Nights and discos, the diverse contributions of our parent community provide invaluable opportunities for our learners.

Moreover, the time and commitment of our parents demonstrate a profound commitment to our school’s mission. Their active involvement in school events and initiatives sets a positive example for our learners, showing them the importance of collaboration, creativity, and community spirit. This engagement creates a supportive atmosphere where learners are motivated and encouraged to achieve their best.

In recognizing and celebrating the efforts of our parents, we acknowledge that their engagement is essential to the holistic development of our learners. Together, we can continue to build a vibrant and inclusive educational community where every learner thrives.

Thank you to all our parents for your unwavering support and contribution. Your involvement makes a world of difference in the lives of our learners and the success of our school.