
It’s almost time to say goodbye to an unforgettable chapter and hello to the exciting journey ahead as our Year Six class prepare for their graduation next week. Today, as they led their final school assembly, they reminded us of the hard work, determination, and fun they have brought to St. Michael’s International School. We […]


At our international school, we value and appreciate the role of parents in enriching the experiences of our learners. The partnership between parents and our school is fundamental in creating a nurturing and dynamic learning environment. Parent engagement not only supports academic achievement but also fosters a strong sense of community and belonging among our […]

Pantomime Season

The British tradition of pantomime goes back hundreds of years. For schools it offers the perfect platform for our learners to develop their speaking and listening skills, confidence and performing skills. There are a wide variety of roles which allow children to build their performance confidence and for those a little shy about acting there […]

The importance of wellbeing

Good mental health and wellbeing is essential for learning. Children need to learn how to cope with day to day challenges, to be resilient and to develop positive healthy relationships with others. Implemented in 2020 our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum was created with the aim of ensuring that children know how to be safe and […]

Bringing the magic of books alive!

Our annual Book Week celebrates books and storytelling and their importance for a child’s development. Book Week is a brilliant opportunity to improve comprehension skills and foster language fluency.  It also helps to enhance cognitive abilities such as memory retention, critical thinking and problem solving. Sharing thoughts and emotions related to stories encourages empathy, emotional […]

Autumn Term Attendance Awards

Despite all the autumn coughs and colds we have lots of St. Michael’s learners who were able to attend school every day and equally as importantly, they were all on time each day and ready for their day’s learning. Congratulations everyone – great endeavour!

Merit Winners

It’s the end of spring term week one and we are celebrating this week’s merit winners. All of these young learners have impressed their teachers this week by demonstrating some of our school values or personal skills. At St. Michael’s, learners are encouraged to show endeavour, compassion, respect, responsibility, tolerance, honesty and integrity. In addition […]

Happy New Year!

Delighted to welcome all of our young learners back to school after the winter break. It’s lovely to see the playground filling up with families as the Year of the Dragon gets underway.